Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wolves, birdfeeders and old elves from 2009

Been drawing some from our bird feeder outside, we must have finally got the right bird food mix because there is always 6-8 bird's there at a time now lol. My favorite is this rather plump bright neon red cardinal. I also love the cow's head birds that come around but I haven't drawn any of them yet. I colored the one cardinal in REALLY REALLY lazily on Photoshop lol.

Well as you may or may not know, wolves have been my favorite animal since I was probably knee high to a grasshopper, but I have never been able to draw them. So I thought I would finally start practicing again. Though the second one on the top is a husky not a wolf. I looked up a lot of reference and just started doodling and breaking them down into just simple shapes which resulted in a more cartoonish effect, I need to start adding in more details to the fur to bump it up. Not that I have anything against cartoons, I love them. I am just trying to make it more my style.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Of doodles and fanart

My fiance who writes the amazingly hilarious peterandcompany.com has been looking for guest artists to send in work while he is recovering from being ill and our friends have sent in really amazing and beautiful artwork so I thought I would finally throw mine in, I had done quite a few pieces and sketches but this has been the only one that I really liked, and even this I am not satisfied with the background, though backgrounds have never been my thing lol.

Their awesome peterandco artwork can be found here http://titosjams.blogspot.com/ and here

This is Jules crazy undergarments, no lumps or bumps with these panties lol. Her bra is quite interesting, it's kind of like the Mary Poppins' magic bad in that she keeps everything there.

More of Jules

This is another character I have been working on with my friends Tracy and Jess, her name is Jules and she is a bit of a hustler and a thief and can be pretty aggressive and standoff-ish.

Starting sketch of a character I am working on that is part fennec fox, this is about how I want her face to look but her demeanor is much different than pictured here she is more timid and skiddish.